Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Hot August Nights in the Northwest, Yep.

We just wrapped up a pretty typical August with my observed averages coming in a smidgen high than average on both highs and lows and a tad less than average on the wet stuff.

This is what we live for here, the best summer weather on Earth :)

Temps last month were very summery with August producing at least 70° every single day and nary a temp below 50° although one chilly night got close. Despite the above average temps for the monthly average we had about the normal number of hot days with three days pushing the merc into the nineties. More than half the month saw lovely days in the 80s and pleasant evenings with lows between 55° and 60°. 

The hottest daytime high arrived on the 15th when I recorded a 97.2° mark. The chilliest afternoon high occurred on the 6th with some showers and a 70.8° reading. The chilliest overnight low was a genuinely nippy for August, 50.1° on the 30th a reminder that Autumn lurks on the near horizon. The warmest overnight low arrived on the 16th following the hottest day when the merc dropped to a warm 67.5° overnight. 

On the 'water front'... No not the "Waterfront" the rain gauge! As is typical in August not much to see here. We had a few passing disturbances that caused some showers and even a little rain. Most of the wet stuff fell in the foothills and mountains of the Cascades. I manged to pick up a half inch for the month with two days gathering two tenths or more the most was 0.21 inch on the 6th.

Today is the first of September and round these parts it is the beginning of the end of summer. By mid-month we will start to feel that fall chill. It comes first in the evenings and then spills into the daytime highs. The average high temp on 9/1 is 79° and the average high on the 30th is 70°. Get ready friends it's about to get cooler, but first a message from our sponsor... Summer! It will heat up again this week and maybe even add another 90° day to our current total in 2020 of 10.

Get out and enjoy the last days of summer, soak it up my friends, soak it up. 

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