Friday, December 6, 2013

Itty Bitty Snow Fall with Godzilla Size Hype From Local TV weather station and webcam
So the very first snowfall of the season is underway and it is quite light. This is not the typical wet slushy snow either. Temps are in the low to mid 20's and what is falling is not only sticking but sticking around. However, not much is falling. Accumulations here at my station are quite literally trace amounts. This is the frozen version of a drizzle.

The local TV news coverage is downright embarrassing. They are quite literally acting like a news crew from Los Angeles reporting on snow in Venice Beach. I am quite certain it has NEVER snowed in Venice Beach.

Here in the Portland metropolitan area however, it does snow, every year in fact. We don't get a lot of snow that is true, but we get it every year. Sometimes we get dumped on like Minnesota and sometimes we get barely a trace. But I witnessed child like coverage of a non-event this morning on the news. Nelson Mandela passed away yesterday guys, that's pertinent news. When there is 3-4 inches covering the ground, then make a big deal. But this; are you kidding me?

So flurries are fluttering in a stiff East breeze and our wind chills will be hovering around zero at times in some areas. The snow is falling sideways, brrr. Bundle up and remember the air is dry and it may not feel as cold as it is. Drive with care, we do not treat the roads for snow and ice so even though there is only a little snow, the road will still be treacherous.

The National Weather Service is indicating that the arctic will be calling in reinforcements for the weekend with even lower temps, possibly into the single digits in outlying areas. It is unlikely that the temperature will rise above freezing today so what falls, stays. We may have a newsworthy event by the end of the day so the children in TV news-land will actually have a reason to get excited.

Winter is here, now get outside and soak it up my friends, soak it up... or stay inside by a warm cozy fire and soak that up, what ever floats your boat.

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