November was about as spot on average as possible for temperatures. My 13 season average November low is 38.28 and my observed average low last month was 38.23. The 13 year average high is 50.31 and my observed average was 50.67. Like I said, spot on! precipitation was another tale altogether. My 13 season average is 7.98 inches and this year was a scant 3.08. Of the 5 "snow" months November has been the least likely to receive the fluffy white stuff. This time we got 1.1 inches of snow against the 13 season average of 0.49.
So the coldest temp was the 16th with a mark of 20.1. The warmest temperature was a balmy 61.3 on the 26th. The chilliest afternoon high came on the 13th with 36.8 and no surprise that was the day we got most of the month's snow. The warmest overnight low came on the 26th with a toasty July like 54.5 degrees.
We had but 2 days with rainfall exceeding 1/2 an inch. The wettest day a paltry 0.62 on the 21st. I recorded 8 subfreezing low temps.
What will this December bring? Will there be a white Christmas? Odds favor a no on that. Will it be wet? Cold, Warm? Who knows? Not me. It will be a great December and I wish you all a happy holiday season. Now get out and soak it up my friends; soak it up.
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