Sunday, October 6, 2013

What a GREAT weekend!

I was gone on Friday and most of Saturday but I few into PDX late Saturday afternoon and it was spectacular. The was the most beautiful landing I have ever had. The sun was tickling the horizon as our plane skirted along the western flank of the cascades. Every peak was warm and reddish with alpenglow as the sun set. Sisters, Jefferson, Hood, Adams, St. Helens and Rainer were all aglow and crystal clear.

The plane made its way over the city and I could see the trees were showing a little color as they prepare for the autumn show. It was 70 degrees around 6:30 when I landed and the skies were clear. What a beautiful day it obviously had been and I couldn't wait for Sunday.

Sunday was a masterpiece with temps in the low to mid seventies under a glorious sun filled blue sky. I finally got around to mowing the lawns, possibly for the last time till spring. I even trimmed some bushes and put away the last of the patio furniture for the season. I love fall weekends like this. Bravo October, Bravo. Later this evening some showers are expected to develop as we return to traditional cool autumn weather. You can still get our and soak it up, my friends. Soak it up.

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